QR code generator

QR Code Maker

Please Enter Your Link / Text In Below Box

How To Use Our QR Code Maker?

Studies95 QR Code Generator is a free QR Code Generator that is very secure and faster. You can create your own QR Code for your links and text using our tool. You can follow the below steps to make your QR codes using this tool.

Steps To Make QR Code:

  1. Enter your link or text in our input box.
  2. Now click on Generate QR Code button and wait.
  3. After a few seconds, you will see QR Code in the toolbox.
  4. Just click on the Download button to download that QR Code.
  5. Now you can share this QR Code with others.
  6. This QR Code redirects users to your link or text.

Using this process you can easily your simple QR Code in image format which you can use anywhere. You can also make a QR Code for direct download links which directly download files after scanning.

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